Animal Crossing: New Leaf Wiki
January February March

Make sure you bundle up!

February is a winter month. Spring is just around the corner! By the end of the month, you can expect to see the grass again. So make sure you finish up any winter activities, such as building snowmen!


  • Before Setsubun (February 1 to February 3) Japan - Stock up on sushi rolls and beans from Nooklings for the upcoming Japanese-exclusive event, Setsubun.
  • Groundhog Day (February 2) United States - Will we have six more weeks of winter? Is spring around the corner? Stop by the plaza between 6am and midnight to receive a Resetti Model from Isabelle!
  • Setsubun (February 3) Japan - Chase away the evil spirits and welcome the coming of spring! Grab your Red Ogre Mask or Blue Ogre Mask from Isabelle and celebrate with your neighbors.
  • Valentine's Day (February 14) - Have a special someone? Or celebrating Singles Awareness Day? Either way, expect a present from Mom, and a letter from a villager of the opposite gender you're closest with. Brewster will also serve you hot chocolate on this day.
  • New Grass (February 25) - Watch your town spring back to life! No more snow. Look forward to seeing green grass once more.
  • Rainbow Season begins (February 25 to November 25) - Look to the skies! At the hours of 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm you have a chance of seeing a beautiful rainbow form across your sky.
  • Leap Day (February 29) - When you start up your game, Isabelle will announce that it's Leap Day.
  • Fishing Tourney (Second Saturday) - This event occurs on the second Saturday of the month, and runs from 9am to 6pm. This is the only way to obtain the Fish Series.
  • Lunar New Year (Second New Moon after Winter Solstice) Korea Only - Celebrate the beginning of another lunar calender! Drop by the plaza between 6am and midnight to get a Yut from Isabelle.
  • Daeboreum (First Full Moon of the Lunar New Year) Korea Only - Celebrate the first full moon of the new year! Drop by the plaza between 6am and midnight to get a Bureom from Isabelle.
  • Samba Outfit Week (Week before Festivale) - Prepare for Festivale with some snazzy headgear and clothing! For one week only, Able Sisters will provide the Samba outfit.
  • Festivale (46 days before Easter Sunday) - Let the confetti rain from the heavens! Pavé will show up and ask you to collect feathers for him. Collect enough to earn pieces of the rare Pavé Series!



Italics signify new fish this month. Bold signifies fish that don't appear next month. This list excludes year-round fish.


Italics signify new bugs this month. Bold signifies bugs that don't appear next month. This list excludes year-round bugs.

Deep-Sea Creatures

Italics signify new deep-sea creatures this month. Bold signifies deep-sea creatures that don't appear next month. This list excludes year-round deep-sea creatures.
